School and trasport

We went to EC SCHOOL in Saint Julian, and we took a fifteen-hour course in 4 days. The school building has five floors and it's very modern, the classrooms are comfortable, and the teachers are kind and funny. The first day we took a test and after that they divided us into 3 groups based on our level of English. 

During the lessons we talked about different topics like travel, social media, music, politics, tv series and others. In the lessons the teachers gave us some photocopies about those subjects and we had debates on them. We also watched some videos and listened to different songs. 

A normal lesson lasted one hour and a half, and we had a fifteen-minute break every day.

We went to school by bus or van, and we returned home in the same way. On the bus we listened to and sang different songs, and we had lots of fun. The main artist we listened to was Shakira because everyone knew her songs and we really liked them. 

In the morning they picked us up at the houses where we were staying, and they took us to school or on guided tours. In the evening they left us at the bus stop near our houses and from there we walked home.

We had some funny moments, especially on the bus on our way back home. One time the driver forgot to stop at our bus stop, so we stayed on the bus until the tour was over and then he finally took us to our bus stop that was on the other side of the island… but don't worry, not all drivers are like that!!


In Malta all public transport is free for those who live on the island, so, if you are a resident, you can go all over the island without paying.

Rebecca Consoli and Nicole Vegnaduzzo

2ª D LIN
Liceo Scientifico Statale
"M. Grigoletti"
Pordenone (PN) 
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